5 letter words starting with woo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with woo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of woods

woods (noun)

  1. The substance making up the central part of the trunk and branches of a tree. Used as a material for construction, to manufacture various items, etc. or as fuel.
  2. The wood of a particular species of tree.
  3. A forested or wooded area.
  4. Firewood.
  5. A type of golf club, the head of which was traditionally made of wood.
  6. A woodwind instrument.
  7. An erection of the penis.
  8. Chess pieces.

woods (verb)

  1. To cover or plant with trees.
  2. To hide behind trees.
  3. To supply with wood, or get supplies of wood for.
  4. To take or get a supply of wood.

woods (noun)

  1. (sometimes offensive, of a person) A peckerwood.

woods (noun)

  1. (usually with plural construction, sometimes with singular construction) A dense collection of trees, usually one covering a relatively small area; usually smaller than a forest.
  2. For chemical behavior purposes, trees in full leaf (coniferous or medium-dense deciduous forests).

Definition of woody

woody (noun)

  1. An early station wagon or estate car in which the rear portion of the car's bodywork is made of wood, often associated with Southern California surfing culture.
  2. A wooden rollercoaster; an amusement ride whose rails are overlaid upon a wooden track.
  3. An erection of the penis.

woody (adjective)

  1. Covered in woods; wooded.
  2. Belonging to the woods; sylvan.
  3. Made of wood, or having wood-like properties.
  4. Non-herbaceous.
  5. Lignified.

Definition of wooed

wooed (verb)

  1. To endeavor to gain someone's support.
  2. (often of a man) To try to persuade (someone) to be in an amorous relationship with
  3. To court solicitously; to invite with importunity.

Definition of wooly

wooly (noun)

  1. A sweater or similar garment made of wool.
  2. A sheep not yet shorn.
  3. A piece of woolwork.

wooly (adjective)

  1. Made of wool.
  2. Having a thick, soft texture, as if made of wool.
  3. (of thinking, principles, etc.) Based on emotions rather than logic.
  4. Unclear, fuzzy, hazy, cloudy.
  5. Clothed in wool.

wooly (noun)

  1. A woolly back; someone from the area around Liverpool, not from Liverpool itself.