5 letter words

5 letter words starting with…

5 letter words ending in …

5 letter words containing …

5 letter words with …

How many words with five letters are there?

It depends on the dictionary. Some dictionaries are more strict than others. In our database we got words which are most likely to be accepted in games such as Scrabble and Wordle. Some words are very uncommon and therefore unlikely to be the answer in a word game. We got about 15 000 words in our database.

Best five letter words to start Wordle with?

According to Bill Gates is AUDIO the best word to start Wordle with. However a pair of MIT researches disagree. They found out that statistically the first guess should be SALET (what is it? – a 15th century helmet).

Other good words to start with are SLATE, SLANT, CRATE, CARTE or CRANE. Other sources also recommends SLICE and TRIED.

Other ones to try: