5 letter words starting with wai

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with wai.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of wails

wails (noun)

  1. A prolonged cry, usually high-pitched, especially as of grief or anguish.
  2. Any similar sound as of lamentation; a howl.
  3. A sound made by emergency vehicle sirens, contrasted with "yelp" which is higher-pitched and faster.

wails (verb)

  1. To cry out, as in sorrow or anguish.
  2. To weep, lament persistently or bitterly.
  3. To make a noise like mourning or crying.
  4. To lament; to bewail; to grieve over.
  5. To perform with great liveliness and force.

wails (verb)

  1. To strike the skin in such a way as to produce a wale or welt.
  2. To give a surface a texture of wales or welts.

wails (verb)

  1. To choose, select.

Definition of wains

wains (noun)

  1. A wagon; a four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, usually pulled by horses or oxen.

wains (noun)

  1. (Derry) A collective word usually for children.

Definition of waits

waits (noun)

  1. A delay.
  2. An ambush.
  3. One who watches; a watchman.
  4. (in the plural) Hautboys, or oboes, played by town musicians.
  5. (in the plural) Musicians who sing or play at night or in the early morning, especially at Christmas time; serenaders; musical watchmen. [formerly waites, wayghtes.]

waits (verb)

  1. To delay movement or action until the arrival or occurrence of; to await. (Now generally superseded by “wait for”.)
  2. To delay movement or action until some event or time; to remain neglected or in readiness.
  3. To wait tables; to serve customers in a restaurant or other eating establishment.
  4. To attend on; to accompany; especially, to attend with ceremony or respect.
  5. To attend as a consequence; to follow upon; to accompany.
  6. To defer or postpone (especially a meal).
  7. To remain chaste while one's lover is unavailable.

waits (noun)

  1. A group of singers or musicians performing in the streets, especially around Christmas.

Definition of waive

waive (verb)

  1. To relinquish (a right etc.); to give up claim to; to forego.
  2. To put aside, avoid.
  3. To outlaw (someone).
  4. To abandon, give up (someone or something).

waive (verb)

  1. To move from side to side; to sway.
  2. To stray, wander.

waive (noun)

  1. A woman put out of the protection of the law; an outlawed woman.
  2. A waif; a castaway.