5 letter words starting with vic

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with vic.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of vicar

vicar (noun)

  1. In the Church of England, the priest of a parish, receiving a salary or stipend but not tithes.
  2. In the Roman Catholic and some other churches, a cleric acting as local representative of a higher ranking member of the clergy.
  3. A person acting on behalf of, or representing, another person.

Definition of vices

vices (noun)

  1. A bad habit.
  2. Any of various crimes related (depending on jurisdiction) to prostitution, pornography, gambling, alcohol, or drugs.
  3. A defect in the temper or behaviour of a horse, such as to make the animal dangerous, to injure its health, or to diminish its usefulness.

vices (noun)

  1. A mechanical screw apparatus used for clamping or holding (also spelled vise).
  2. A tool for drawing lead into cames, or flat grooved rods, for casements.
  3. A grip or grasp.
  4. A winding or spiral staircase.

vices (noun)

  1. One who acts in place of a superior.

Definition of vicus

vicus (noun)

  1. A small civilian settlement outside a Roman fort.