5 letter words starting with twe

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with twe.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of tweed

tweed (noun)

  1. A coarse woolen fabric used for clothing.

Definition of tweer

tweer (noun)

  1. A nozzle or similar fixture through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge

Definition of twerk

twerk (noun)

  1. A puny or insignificant person, generally male; a twerp.

twerk (noun)

  1. A fitful movement similar to a twitch or jerk.
  2. A dance involving sexual movements of the hips and buttocks

twerk (verb)

  1. To twitch or jerk.
  2. To move the body in a sexually suggestive twisting or gyrating fashion.
  3. To dance in a sexually suggestive manner, often involving rapid movement.

twerk (noun)

  1. An abrupt call, such as that made by the California quail.

Definition of twerp

twerp (noun)

  1. A fool, a twit.
  2. A small or puny person; one regarded as insignificant, contemptible.
  3. A person who can be bullied playfully, or easily teased. Sometimes used as a pet-name (often for a younger sibling).