5 letter words starting with tub

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with tub.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of tubal

tubal (adjective)

  1. Of or pertaining to a tube, especially an anatomical one

Definition of tubas

tubas (noun)

  1. A large brass musical instrument, usually in the bass range, played through a vibration of the lips upon the mouthpiece and fingering of the keys.
  2. A type of Roman military trumpet, distinct from the modern tuba.
  3. A large reed stop in organs.

tubas (noun)

  1. A reddish palm wine made from coconut or nipa sap.

tubas (noun)

  1. A tube or tubular organ.

Definition of tubed

tubed (verb)

  1. To supply with, or enclose in, a tube.
  2. To ride an inner tube.
  3. To intubate.

tubed (adjective)

  1. Possessing a tube or tubes.

Definition of tubes

tubes (noun)

  1. Anything that is hollow and cylindrical in shape.
  2. An approximately cylindrical container, usually with a crimped end and a screw top, used to contain and dispense semiliquid substances.
  3. (often capitalized as Tube) The London Underground railway system, originally referred to the lower level lines that ran in tubular tunnels as opposed to the higher ones which ran in rectangular section tunnels. (Often the tube.)
  4. A tin can containing beer.
  5. A wave which pitches forward when breaking, creating a hollow space inside.
  6. A television.
  7. An idiot.

tubes (verb)

  1. To supply with, or enclose in, a tube.
  2. To ride an inner tube.
  3. To intubate.