5 letter words starting with tel

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with tel.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of telex

telex (noun)

  1. A communications system consisting of a network of teletypewriters.
  2. A message sent through such a network.
  3. The machine used to send and receive such messages.

telex (verb)

  1. To send (a message) by telex.

Definition of telic

telic (adjective)

  1. Tending or directed towards a goal or specific end.
  2. (grammar) That expresses an end or purpose.
  3. That expresses the perfective aspect.

Definition of tells

tells (noun)

  1. A reflexive, often habitual behavior, especially one occurring in a context that often features attempts at deception by persons under psychological stress (such as a poker game or police interrogation), that reveals information that the person exhibiting the behavior is attempting to withhold.
  2. That which is told; a tale or account.
  3. A private message to an individual in a chat room; a whisper.

tells (verb)

  1. (archaic outside of idioms) To count, reckon, or enumerate.
  2. To narrate.
  3. To convey by speech; to say.
  4. To instruct or inform.
  5. To order; to direct, to say to someone.
  6. To discern, notice, identify or distinguish.
  7. To reveal.
  8. To be revealed.
  9. To have an effect, especially a noticeable one; to be apparent, to be demonstrated.
  10. To use (beads or similar objects) as an aid to prayer.
  11. To inform someone in authority about a wrongdoing.
  12. (authorship) To reveal information in prose through outright expository statement -- contrasted with show

tells (noun)

  1. A hill or mound, originally and especially in the Middle East, over or consisting of the ruins of ancient settlements.

Definition of telly

telly (noun)

  1. Television.
  2. A television set.

telly (noun)

  1. A hotel or motel.

Definition of telos

telos (noun)

  1. The aim or goal.