5 letter words starting with tea

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with tea.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of teach

teach (verb)

  1. To show (someone) the way; to guide, conduct; to point, indicate.
  2. (ditransitive) To pass on knowledge to.
  3. To pass on knowledge, especially as one's profession; to act as a teacher.
  4. (ditransitive) To cause to learn or understand.
  5. (ditransitive) To cause to know the disagreeable consequences of some action.

teach (noun)

  1. (usually as a term of address) teacher

Definition of teaks

teaks (noun)

  1. An extremely durable timber highly valued for shipbuilding and other purposes, yielded by Tectona grandis (and Tectona spp.).
  2. A tree of the species in the genus Tectona
  3. A yellowish brown colour, like that of teak wood.

Definition of teams

teams (noun)

  1. A set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage.
  2. Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially sports or work.
  3. A group of animals moving together, especially young ducks.
  4. A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto.

teams (verb)

  1. To form a group, as for sports or work.
  2. (by extension) To go together well; to harmonize.
  3. To convey or haul with a team.
  4. To form together into a team.
  5. To give work to a gang under a subcontractor.

Definition of tease

tease (noun)

  1. One who teases.
  2. A single act of teasing.
  3. One who deliberately arouses others (usually men) sexually with no intention of satisfying that arousal.

tease (verb)

  1. To separate the fibres of a fibrous material.
  2. To comb (originally with teasels) so that the fibres all lie in one direction.
  3. To back-comb.
  4. To poke fun at.
  5. To provoke or disturb; to annoy.
  6. To manipulate or influence the behavior of, especially by repeated acts of irritation.
  7. To entice, tempt.
  8. To show as forthcoming, in the manner of a teaser.