5 letter words starting with tap

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with tap.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of tapes

tapes (noun)

  1. Flexible material in a roll with a sticky surface on one or both sides; adhesive tape.
  2. Thin and flat paper, plastic or similar flexible material, usually produced in the form of a roll.
  3. Finishing tape, stretched across a track to mark the end of a race.
  4. Magnetic or optical recording media in a roll; videotape or audio tape.
  5. (by extension) Any video or audio recording, regardless of the method used to produce it.
  6. An unthinking, patterned response triggered by a particular stimulus.
  7. (from ticker tape) The series of prices at which a financial instrument trades.
  8. The wrapping of the primary puck-handling surface of a hockey stick
  9. A strong flexible band rotating on pulleys for directing the sheets in a printing machine.

tapes (verb)

  1. To bind with adhesive tape.
  2. To record, particularly onto magnetic tape.
  3. (passive) To understand, figure out.

Definition of tapir

tapir (noun)

  1. Any one of the species of large odd-toed ungulates of the taxonomic family Tapiridae with a long prehensile upper lip, of which all four surviving species are in genus Tapirus.