5 letter words starting with tan

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with tan.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of tango

tango (noun)

  1. A Standard ballroom dance in 4/4 time; or a social dance, the Argentine tango.
  2. A piece of music suited to such a dance.
  3. The letter T in the ICAO spelling alphabet.
  4. Enemy, used amongst special police forces, derived from the abbreviation of target using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
  5. A dark orange colour shade; deep tangerine

tango (verb)

  1. To dance the tango.
  2. To mingle or interact (with each other).

Definition of tangs

tangs (noun)

  1. A refreshingly sharp aroma or flavor.
  2. A strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself.
  3. A sharp, specific flavor or tinge.
  4. A projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part.
  5. The part of a knife, fork, file, or other small instrument, which is inserted into the handle.
  6. The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the stock.
  7. The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened.
  8. A group of saltwater fish from the Acanthuridae family, especially the Zebrasoma genus.
  9. (games) A shuffleboard paddle.
  10. Tongue
  11. (by extension) Anything resembling a tongue in form or position such as the tongue of a buckle.

tangs (noun)

  1. A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.

tangs (noun)

  1. Knotted wrack, Ascophyllum nodosum (coarse blackish seaweed)

tangs (noun)

  1. The vagina.
  2. Intercourse with a woman

Definition of tania

tania (noun)

  1. New cocoyam, yautia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium).
  2. Taro.

Definition of tansy

tansy (noun)

  1. A herbaceous plant with yellow flowers, of the genus Tanacetum, especially Tanacetum vulgare.
  2. A dish common in the seventeenth century, made of eggs, sugar, rose water, cream, and the juice of herbs (including tansy), baked with butter in a shallow dish. "Originally flavoured with tansy, but by Pepys's time generally having spinach as its predominant flavouring."