5 letter words starting with swe

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with swe.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of sweat

sweat (noun)

  1. Fluid that exits the body through pores in the skin usually due to physical stress and/or high temperature for the purpose of regulating body temperature and removing certain compounds from the circulation.
  2. The state of one who sweats; diaphoresis.
  3. (especially WWI) A soldier (especially one who is old or experienced).
  4. The sweating sickness.
  5. Moisture issuing from any substance.
  6. A short run by a racehorse as a form of exercise.
  7. Hard work; toil.

sweat (verb)

  1. To emit sweat.
  2. To cause to excrete moisture through skin.
  3. To work hard.
  4. To extract money, labour, etc. from, by exaction or oppression.
  5. To worry.
  6. To worry about (something).
  7. To emit, in the manner of sweat.
  8. To emit moisture.
  9. To solder (a pipe joint) together.
  10. To stress out.
  11. To cook slowly at low heat, in shallow oil and without browning, to reduce moisture content.
  12. To remove a portion of (a coin), as by shaking it with others in a bag, so that the friction wears off a small quantity of the metal.
  13. To suffer a penalty; to smart for one's misdeeds.
  14. To scrape the sweat from (a horse).

Definition of swede

swede (noun)

  1. The fleshy yellow root of a variety of rape, Brassica napus var. napobrassica, resembling a large turnip, grown as a vegetable.
  2. The plant from which this is obtained.
  3. The turnip.
  4. The head.

swede (verb)

  1. To produce a low-budget remake of a film without the use of professional actors or filming techniques.

Definition of sweep

sweep (noun)

  1. A single action of sweeping.
  2. The person who steers a dragon boat.
  3. A person who stands at the stern of a surf boat, steering with a steering oar and commanding the crew.
  4. A chimney sweep.
  5. A methodical search, typically for bugs (electronic listening devices).
  6. A batsman's shot, played from a kneeling position with a swinging horizontal bat.
  7. A lottery, usually on the results of a sporting event, where players win if their randomly chosen team wins.
  8. A flow of water parallel to shore caused by wave action at an ocean beach or at a point or headland.
  9. A throw or takedown that primarily uses the legs to attack an opponent's legs.
  10. Violent and general destruction.
  11. A movable templet for making moulds, in loam moulding.
  12. In the game casino, the act of capturing all face-up cards from the table.
  13. The compass of any turning body or of any motion.
  14. Direction or departure of a curve, a road, an arch, etc. away from a rectilinear line.
  15. A large oar used in small vessels, partly to propel them and partly to steer them.
  16. A rowing style in which each rower rows with oar on either the port or starboard side.
  17. (refining) The almond furnace.
  18. A long pole, or piece of timber, moved on a horizontal fulcrum fixed to a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well for drawing water.
  19. Any of the blades of a windmill.
  20. (in the plural) The sweepings of workshops where precious metals are worked, containing filings, etc.
  21. Any of several sea chub in the kyphosid subfamily Scorpidinae.
  22. An expanse or a swath, a strip of land.

sweep (verb)

  1. To clean (a surface) by means of a stroking motion of a broom or brush.
  2. To move through a (horizontal) arc or similar long stroke.
  3. To search (a place) methodically.
  4. To travel quickly.
  5. To play a sweep shot.
  6. To brush the ice in front of a moving stone, causing it to travel farther and to curl less.
  7. To move something in a long sweeping motion, as a broom.
  8. To win (a series) without drawing or losing any of the games in that series.
  9. To defeat (a team) in a series without drawing or losing any of the games in that series.
  10. To remove something abruptly and thoroughly.
  11. To brush against or over; to rub lightly along.
  12. To carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion; hence, to carry in a stately or proud fashion.
  13. To strike with a long stroke.
  14. To row with one oar to either the port or starboard side.
  15. To draw or drag something over.
  16. To pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation.
  17. (including) to vacuum a carpet or rug

Definition of swept

swept (verb)

  1. To clean (a surface) by means of a stroking motion of a broom or brush.
  2. To move through a (horizontal) arc or similar long stroke.
  3. To search (a place) methodically.
  4. To travel quickly.
  5. To play a sweep shot.
  6. To brush the ice in front of a moving stone, causing it to travel farther and to curl less.
  7. To move something in a long sweeping motion, as a broom.
  8. To win (a series) without drawing or losing any of the games in that series.
  9. To defeat (a team) in a series without drawing or losing any of the games in that series.
  10. To remove something abruptly and thoroughly.
  11. To brush against or over; to rub lightly along.
  12. To carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion; hence, to carry in a stately or proud fashion.
  13. To strike with a long stroke.
  14. To row with one oar to either the port or starboard side.
  15. To draw or drag something over.
  16. To pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation.
  17. (including) to vacuum a carpet or rug