5 letter words starting with sum

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with sum.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of sumac

sumac (noun)

  1. Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Rhus and other genera in Anacardiaceae, particularly the elm-leaved sumac, Sicilian sumac, or tanner's sumac (Rhus coriaria).
  2. Dried and chopped-up leaves and stems of a plant of the genus Rhus, particularly the tanner's sumac (see sense 1), used for dyeing and tanning leather or for medicinal purposes.
  3. A sour spice popular in the Eastern Mediterranean, made from the berries of tanner's sumac.

sumac (verb)

  1. To apply a preparation of sumac to (an object), for example, to a piece of leather to tan it.

Definition of summa

summa (noun)

  1. A comprehensive summary of, or treatise on a subject, especially theology or philosophy.

Definition of sumos

sumos (noun)

  1. A stylised Japanese form of wrestling in which a wrestler loses if he is forced from the ring, or if any part of his body except the soles of his feet touches the ground.
  2. A rikishi (sumo wrestler)

Definition of sumph

sumph (noun)

  1. A dunce; a blockhead.

sumph (noun)

  1. A hollow or pit into which liquid drains, such as a cesspool, cesspit or sink.
  2. The lowest part of a mineshaft into which water drains.
  3. A completely flooded cave passage, sometimes passable by diving.
  4. The crankcase or oil reservoir of an internal combustion engine.
  5. The pit at the lowest point in a circulating or drainage system (FM 55-501).
  6. An intentional depression around a drain or scupper that promotes drainage.