5 letter words starting with snu

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with snu.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of snubs

snubs (noun)

  1. A deliberate affront or slight.
  2. A sudden checking of a cable or rope.
  3. A knot; a protuberance; a snag.

snubs (verb)

  1. To slight, ignore or behave coldly toward someone.
  2. To turn down; to dismiss.
  3. To check; to reprimand.
  4. To stub out (a cigarette etc).
  5. To halt the movement of a rope etc by turning it about a cleat or bollard etc; to secure a vessel in this manner.
  6. To clip or break off the end of; to check or stunt the growth of.

snubs (verb)

  1. To sob with convulsions.

Definition of snuck

snuck (verb)

  1. To creep or go stealthily; to come or go while trying to avoid detection, as a person who does not wish to be seen.
  2. To take something stealthily without permission.
  3. (ditransitive) To stealthily bring someone something.
  4. To hide, especially in a mean or cowardly manner.
  5. (with on) To inform an authority of another's misdemeanours.

Definition of snuff

snuff (noun)

  1. Finely ground or pulverized tobacco intended for use by being sniffed or snorted into the nose.
  2. Fine-ground or minced tobacco, dry or moistened, intended for use by placing a pinch behind the lip or beneath the tongue; see also snus.
  3. A snort or sniff of fine-ground, powdered, or pulverized tobacco.
  4. The act of briskly inhaling by the nose; a sniff, a snort.
  5. Resentment or skepticism expressed by quickly drawing air through the nose; snuffling; sniffling.
  6. Snot, mucus.
  7. Smell, scent, odour.

snuff (verb)

  1. To inhale through the nose.
  2. To turn up the nose and inhale air, as an expression of contempt; hence, to take offence.

snuff (noun)

  1. The burning part of a candle wick, or the black, burnt remains of a wick (which must be periodically removed).
  2. Leavings in a glass after drinking; heeltaps.
  3. A murder.
  4. A form of pornographic film which involves someone actually being murdered.

snuff (verb)

  1. To extinguish a candle or oil-lamp flame by covering the burning end of the wick until the flame is suffocated.
  2. To trim the burnt part of a candle wick.
  3. To kill a person; to snuff out.

Definition of snugs

snugs (noun)

  1. A small, comfortable back room in a pub.
  2. A lug.

snugs (verb)

  1. To make secure or snug.
  2. To snuggle or nestle.
  3. To make smooth.