5 letter words starting with sni

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with sni.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of snigs

snigs (noun)

  1. A small eel.

snigs (verb)

  1. To drag a log along the ground by means of a chain fastened at one end.
  2. To sneak.
  3. To chop off; to cut.

Definition of snips

snips (noun)

  1. The act of snipping; cutting a small amount off of something.
  2. A single cut with scissors, clippers, or similar tool.
  3. Something acquired for a low price; a bargain.
  4. A small amount of something; a pinch.
  5. (definite, the snip) A vasectomy.
  6. A small or weak person, especially a young one.
  7. An impertinent or mischievous person.
  8. A share or portion; a snack.
  9. A tailor.

snips (verb)

  1. To cut with short sharp actions, as with scissors.
  2. To reduce the price of a product, to create a snip.
  3. To break off; to snatch away.
  4. To circumcise.
  5. To remove the irrelevant parts of quotations in the reply message.

Definition of snits

snits (noun)

  1. A temper; a lack of patience; a bad mood.
  2. A U.S. unit of volume for liquor equal to 2 jiggers, 3 U.S. fluid ounces, or 88.7 milliliters.
  3. A beer chaser commonly served in three-ounce servings in highball or juice glasses with a Bloody Mary cocktail in the upper midwest states of United States including Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Illinois.