5 letter words starting with sil

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with sil.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of sills

sills (noun)

  1. (also window sill) A horizontal slat which forms the base of a window.
  2. A horizontal, structural member of a building near ground level on a foundation or pilings or lying on the ground in earth-fast construction and bearing the upright portion of a frame. Also called a ground plate, groundsill, sole, sole-plate, mudsill. An interrupted sill fits between posts instead of being below and supporting the posts in timber framing.
  3. A horizontal layer of igneous rock between older rock beds.
  4. A piece of timber across the bottom of a canal lock for the gates to shut against.
  5. A raised area at the base of the nasal aperture in the skull.
  6. The inner edge of the bottom of an embrasure.

sills (noun)

  1. A young herring.

sills (noun)

  1. The shaft or thill of a carriage.

Definition of silos

silos (noun)

  1. A vertical building, usually cylindrical, used for the production of silage.
  2. From the shape, a building used for the storage of grain.
  3. An underground bunker used to hold missiles which may be launched.
  4. An organizational unit that has poor interaction with other units, negatively affecting overall performance.
  5. (informatics) A structure in the information system that is poorly networked with other structures, with data exchange hampered.
  6. A self-enclosed group of like-minded individuals.