5 letter words starting with scu

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with scu.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of scuds

scuds (noun)

  1. The act of scudding.
  2. Clouds or rain driven by the wind.
  3. A loose formation of small ragged cloud fragments (or fog) not attached to a larger higher cloud layer.
  4. A gust of wind.
  5. A scab on a wound.
  6. A small flight of larks, or other birds, less than a flock.
  7. Any swimming amphipod.
  8. A swift runner.
  9. A form of garden hoe.
  10. A slap; a sharp stroke.
  11. Pornography.
  12. The drink Irn-Bru.

Definition of scull

scull (noun)

  1. A single oar mounted at the stern of a boat and moved from side to side to propel the boat forward.
  2. One of a pair of oars handled by a single rower.
  3. A small rowing boat, for one person.
  4. A light rowing boat used for racing by one, two, or four rowers, each operating two oars (sculls), one in each hand.

scull (verb)

  1. To row a boat using a scull or sculls.
  2. To skate while keeping both feet in contact with the ground or ice.

scull (noun)

  1. A skull cap. A small bowl-shaped helmet, without visor or bever.

scull (verb)

  1. To drink the entire contents of (a drinking vessel) without pausing.

scull (noun)

  1. The main bones of the head considered as a unit; including the cranium, facial bones, and mandible.
  2. A symbol for death; death's-head
  3. The mind or brain.
  4. A crust formed on the ladle, etc. by the partial cooling of molten metal.
  5. The crown of the headpiece in armour.
  6. A shallow bow-handled basket.

scull (noun)

  1. A shoal of fish.

scull (noun)

  1. The skua gull.

Definition of scute

scute (noun)

  1. A horny, chitinous, or bony external plate or scale, as on the shell of a turtle or the skin of crocodiles.
  2. A proneural gene, often associated with achaete, that is required for the formation of many larval and adult sense organs
  3. A small shield.
  4. An old French gold coin.

Definition of scuzz

scuzz (noun)

  1. An unpleasant or disgusting (scuzzy) person