5 letter words starting with rim

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with rim.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of rimed

rimed (verb)

  1. To compose or treat in verse; versify.
  2. (followed by with) Of a word, to be pronounced identically with another from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end.
  3. Of two or more words, to be pronounced identically from the vowel in the stressed syllable of each to the end of each.
  4. To number; count; reckon.

rimed (verb)

  1. To freeze or congeal into hoarfrost.

rimed (adjective)

  1. Covered in frost

Definition of rimes

rimes (verb)

  1. To compose or treat in verse; versify.
  2. (followed by with) Of a word, to be pronounced identically with another from the vowel in its stressed syllable to the end.
  3. Of two or more words, to be pronounced identically from the vowel in the stressed syllable of each to the end of each.
  4. To number; count; reckon.

rimes (noun)

  1. Ice formed by the rapid freezing of cold water droplets of fog on to a cold surface.
  2. A coating or sheet of ice so formed.
  3. A film or slimy coating.

rimes (verb)

  1. To freeze or congeal into hoarfrost.

rimes (noun)

  1. Number.
  2. Rhyme.
  3. The second part of a syllable, from the vowel on, as opposed to the onset.

rimes (noun)

  1. A step of a ladder; a rung.

rimes (noun)

  1. A rent or long aperture; a chink; a fissure; a crack.

Definition of rimus

rimus (noun)

  1. A large evergreen conifer native to New Zealand, Dacrydium cupressinum.