5 letter words starting with rig

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with rig.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of right

right (adjective)

  1. Straight, not bent.
  2. Of an angle, having a size of 90 degrees, or one quarter of a complete rotation; the angle between two perpendicular lines.
  3. Of a geometric figure, incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.
  4. Complying with justice, correctness or reason; correct, just, true.
  5. Appropriate, perfectly suitable; fit for purpose.
  6. Healthy, sane, competent.
  7. Real; veritable (used emphatically).
  8. All right; not requiring assistance.
  9. Most favourable or convenient; fortunate.
  10. Designating the side of the body which is positioned to the east if one is facing north. This arrow points to the reader's right: →
  11. Designed to be placed or worn outward.
  12. Pertaining to the political right; conservative.

right (adverb)

  1. On the right side.
  2. Towards the right side.
  3. Exactly, precisely.
  4. Immediately, directly.
  5. Very, extremely, quite.
  6. According to fact or truth; actually; truly; really.
  7. In a correct manner.
  8. (still used in some titles) To a great extent or degree.

right (interjection)

  1. Yes, that is correct; I agree.
  2. I agree with whatever you say; I have no opinion.
  3. Signpost word to change the subject in a discussion or discourse.
  4. Used to check agreement at the end of an utterance.
  5. Used to add seriousness or decisiveness before a statement.

right (noun)

  1. That which complies with justice, law or reason.
  2. A legal, just or moral entitlement.
  3. The right side or direction.
  4. The right hand or fist.
  5. The ensemble of right-wing political parties; political conservatives as a group.
  6. The outward or most finished surface, as of a coin, piece of cloth, a carpet, etc.
  7. A wave breaking from right to left (viewed from the shore).

right (verb)

  1. To correct.
  2. To set upright.
  3. To return to normal upright position.
  4. To do justice to; to relieve from wrong; to restore rights to; to assert or regain the rights of.

Definition of rigid

rigid (noun)

  1. A bicycle with no suspension system.

rigid (adjective)

  1. Stiff, rather than flexible.
  2. Fixed, rather than moving.
  3. Rigorous and unbending.
  4. Uncompromising.

Definition of rigor

rigor (noun)

  1. Short for rigor mortis.

rigor (noun)

  1. Severity or strictness.
  2. Harshness, as of climate.
  3. A trembling or shivering response.
  4. Character of being unyielding or inflexible.
  5. Shrewd questioning.
  6. Higher level of difficulty.