5 letter words starting with pos

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with pos.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of posed

posed (verb)

  1. To place in an attitude or fixed position, for the sake of effect.
  2. To ask; to set (a test, quiz, riddle, etc.).
  3. To constitute (a danger, a threat, a risk, etc.).
  4. (in the phrase "to pose as") To falsely impersonate (another person or occupation) primarily for the purpose of accomplishing something or reaching a goal.
  5. To assume or maintain a pose; to strike an attitude.
  6. To behave affectedly in order to attract interest or admiration.
  7. To interrogate; to question.
  8. To question with a view to puzzling; to embarrass by questioning or scrutiny; to bring to a stand.

posed (verb)

  1. To ask (someone) questions; to interrogate.
  2. To puzzle, non-plus, or embarrass with difficult questions.
  3. To perplex or confuse (someone).

posed (adjective)

  1. Firm; determined; fixed.

Definition of posey

posey (adjective)

  1. Pretentious; posturing.

Definition of posts

posts (noun)

  1. A long dowel or plank protruding from the ground; a fencepost; a lightpost.
  2. A stud; a two-by-four.
  3. A pole in a battery.
  4. A long, narrow piece inserted into a root canal to provide retention for a crown.
  5. (chiefly a cappella) A prolonged final melody note, among moving harmony notes.
  6. A printing paper size measuring 19.25 inches x 15.5 inches.
  7. A goalpost.
  8. A location on a basketball court near the basket.
  9. The doorpost of a victualler's shop or inn, on which were chalked the scores of customers; hence, a score; a debt.

posts (verb)

  1. To hang (a notice) in a conspicuous manner for general review.
  2. To hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation.
  3. To carry (an account) from the journal to the ledger.
  4. To inform; to give the news to; to make acquainted with the details of a subject; often with up.
  5. To pay (a blind).
  6. To put content online, usually through a publicly accessible mean, such as a video channel, gallery, message board, blog etc.

posts (noun)

  1. Each of a series of men stationed at specific places along a postroad, with responsibility for relaying letters and dispatches of the monarch (and later others) along the route.
  2. A station, or one of a series of stations, established for the refreshment and accommodation of travellers on some recognized route.
  3. A military base; the place at which a soldier or a body of troops is stationed; also, the troops at such a station.
  4. Someone who travels express along a set route carrying letters and dispatches; a courier.
  5. An organisation for delivering letters, parcels etc., or the service provided by such an organisation.
  6. A single delivery of letters; the letters or deliveries that make up a single batch delivered to one person or one address.
  7. A message posted in an electronic or Internet forum, or on a blog, etc.
  8. A moderate to deep passing route in which a receiver runs 10-20 yards from the line of scrimmage straight down the field, then cuts toward the middle of the field (towards the facing goalposts) at a 45-degree angle.
  9. Haste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier.
  10. One who has charge of a station, especially a postal station.

posts (verb)

  1. To travel with relays of horses; to travel by post horses, originally as a courier.
  2. To travel quickly; to hurry.
  3. To send (an item of mail etc.) through the postal service.
  4. (horse-riding) To rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, especially in trotting.
  5. To publish (a message) to a newsgroup, forum, blog, etc.

posts (noun)

  1. An assigned station; a guard post.
  2. An appointed position in an organization, job.

posts (verb)

  1. To enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, etc.
  2. To assign to a station; to set; to place.

posts (noun)

  1. A post mortem (investigation of body's cause of death).