5 letter words starting with pok

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with pok.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of poked

poked (verb)

  1. To prod or jab with an object such as a finger or a stick.
  2. To stir up a fire to remove ash or promote burning.
  3. To rummage; to feel or grope around.
  4. To modify the value stored in (a memory address).
  5. To put a poke (device to prevent leaping or breaking fences) on (an animal).
  6. To thrust at with the horns; to gore.
  7. To notify (another user) of activity on social media or an instant messenger.
  8. To thrust (something) in a particular direction such as the tongue.
  9. To penetrate in sexual intercourse.

Definition of poker

poker (noun)

  1. A metal rod, generally of wrought iron, for adjusting the burning logs or coals in a fire; a firestick.
  2. A tool like a soldering iron for making poker drawings.
  3. One who pokes.
  4. A kind of duck, the pochard.

poker (noun)

  1. Any of various card games in which, following each of one or more rounds of dealing or revealing cards, the players in sequence make tactical bets or drop out, the bets forming a pool to be taken either by the sole remaining player or, after all rounds and bets have been completed, by those remaining players who hold a superior hand according to a standard ranking of hand values for the game.
  2. All the four cards of the same rank.

poker (noun)

  1. Any imagined frightful object, especially one supposed to haunt the darkness; a bugbear.

Definition of pokey

pokey (noun)

  1. (with "the") prison.

pokey (adjective)

  1. (of a room, house) of small volume, cramped
  2. Slow
  3. (of a car) fast

Definition of pokie

pokie (noun)

  1. A poker machine. Mostly used in the plural (pokies). Poker machine is the standard term used in the singular.

pokie (noun)

  1. Any of several species of arboreal tarantula in the genus Poecilotheria.