5 letter words starting with pli

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with pli.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of plica

plica (noun)

  1. A fold or crease, especially of skin or other tissue.
  2. Polish plait, plica polonica, or plica neuropatica: a disease of the hair in which it becomes twisted and matted together.
  3. A diseased state in plants in which there is an excessive development of small entangled twigs, instead of ordinary branches.
  4. The bend of the wing of a bird.
  5. A neume, in the form of a tail at the end of a ligature, indicating an additional note.

Definition of plied

plied (verb)

  1. To bend; to fold; to mould; to adapt, to modify; to change (a person's) mind, to cause (a person) to submit.
  2. To bend, to flex; to be bent by something, to give way or yield (to a force, etc.).

plied (verb)

  1. To work at (something) diligently.
  2. To wield or use (a tool, a weapon, etc.) steadily or vigorously.
  3. To press upon; to urge persistently.
  4. To persist in offering something to, especially for the purpose of inducement or persuasion.
  5. To travel over (a route) regularly.
  6. To work diligently.
  7. To manoeuvre a sailing vessel so that the direction of the wind changes from one side of the vessel to the other; to work to windward, to beat, to tack.

Definition of plink

plink (noun)

  1. A short, high-pitched metallic or percussive sound.

plink (verb)

  1. To make a plink sound.
  2. (with "out") To play a song or a portion of a song, usually on a percussion instrument such as a piano.
  3. To take part in the sport of plinking.