5 letter words starting with pip

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with pip.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of pipas

pipas (noun)

  1. A pear-shaped plucked lute from China.

Definition of piped

piped (verb)

  1. To play (music) on a pipe instrument, such as a bagpipe or a flute.
  2. To shout loudly and at high pitch.
  3. To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.
  4. Of a metal ingot: to become hollow in the process of solidifying.
  5. To convey or transport (something) by means of pipes.
  6. To install or configure with pipes.
  7. To dab moisture away from.
  8. To lead or conduct as if by pipes, especially by wired transmission.
  9. To directly feed (the output of one program) as input to another program, indicated by the pipe character (pipe) at the command line.
  10. To create or decorate with piping (icing).
  11. To order or signal by a note pattern on a boatswain's pipe.
  12. (of a male) To have sexual intercourse with a female.
  13. To see.

piped (adjective)

  1. Shaped like a pipe; tubular.

Definition of piper

piper (noun)

  1. A musician who plays a pipe.
  2. A bagpiper.
  3. A baby pigeon.
  4. A common European gurnard (Trigla lyra), having a large head, with prominent nasal projection, and with large, sharp, opercular spines.
  5. A sea urchin (Goniocidaris hystrix) with very long spines, native to the American and European coasts.

piper (noun)

  1. A plant of the family Piperaceae.
  2. A spice prepared from the fermented, dried, unripe berries of this plant.
  3. A bell pepper, a fruit of the capsicum plant: red, green, yellow or white, hollow and containing seeds, and in very spicy and mild varieties.
  4. A game used by baseball players to warm up where fielders standing close to a batter rapidly return the batted ball to be hit again
  5. A randomly-generated value that is added to another value (such as a password) prior to hashing. Unlike a salt, a new one is generated for each value and it is held separately from the value.

Definition of pipit

pipit (noun)

  1. Any of various small passerine birds, mainly from the genus Anthus, that are often drab, ground feeding insectivores of open country.