5 letter words starting with pik

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with pik.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of pikas

pikas (noun)

  1. Any of several small, furry mammals, similar to guinea pigs, but related to rabbits, of the family Ochotonidae, from the mountains of North America and Asia.

Definition of piked

piked (verb)

  1. To prod, attack, or injure someone with a pike.
  2. To assume a pike position.
  3. To bet or gamble with only small amounts of money.
  4. Often followed by on or out: to quit or back out of a promise.

piked (verb)

  1. To equip with a turnpike.
  2. (thieves' cant) To depart or travel (as if by a turnpike), especially to flee, to run away.

piked (adjective)

  1. Furnished with a pike; ending in a point
  2. Describing a dive in which the knees are kept straight, but the body is bent at a right-angle at the hips

Definition of piker

piker (noun)

  1. A soldier armed with a pike, a pikeman.
  2. One who bets or gambles only with small amounts of money.
  3. A stingy person; a cheapskate.
  4. An amateur.
  5. One who refuses to go out with friends, or leaves a party early.
  6. One who pikes (quits or backs out of a promise).
  7. A male freshman at Cornell University.
  8. A tramp; a vagrant.

Definition of pikey

pikey (noun)

  1. A pike (fish).

pikey (adjective)

  1. Associated with or filled with pike (fish).

pikey (noun)

  1. A working-class (often underclass) person; can vary from specifically Irish Travellers to gypsies or travellers from any ethnic background, but now increasingly used for any socially undesirable person, with negative connotations of benefit fraud, theft, single-parent families and living on run-down estates.

pikey (verb)

  1. To steal.

pikey (adjective)

  1. Associated with members of the above-mentioned underclass.