5 letter words starting with pay

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with pay.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of payed

payed (verb)

  1. To give money or other compensation to in exchange for goods or services.
  2. To discharge, as a debt or other obligation, by giving or doing what is due or required.
  3. To be profitable for.
  4. To give (something else than money).
  5. To be profitable or worth the effort.
  6. To discharge an obligation or debt.
  7. To suffer consequences.
  8. To admit that a joke, punchline, etc., was funny.

payed (verb)

  1. To cover (the bottom of a vessel, a seam, a spar, etc.) with tar or pitch, or a waterproof composition of tallow, resin, etc.; to smear.

Definition of payee

payee (noun)

  1. One to whom money is paid.

Definition of payer

payer (noun)

  1. One who pays; specifically, the person by whom a bill or note has been, or should be, paid.
  2. A swaption which gives its holder the option to enter into a swap in which they pay the fixed leg and receive the floating leg.