5 letter words starting with paw

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with paw.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of pawed

pawed (verb)

  1. (of an animal) To go through something (such as a garbage can) with paws.
  2. (of an animal) To gently push on something with a paw.
  3. (of an animal) To draw the forefoot along the ground; to beat or scrape with the forefoot.
  4. (by extension) To touch someone in a sexual way.
  5. (by extension) To clumsily dig through something.
  6. To flatter.

pawed (adjective)

  1. Having (a specified kind or number of) paws.

Definition of pawls

pawls (noun)

  1. A pivoted catch designed to fall into a notch on a ratchet wheel so as to allow movement in only one direction (e.g. on a windlass or in a clock mechanism), or alternatively to move the wheel in one direction.
  2. A similar device to prevent motion in other mechanisms besides ratchets.

Definition of pawns

pawns (noun)

  1. A psychoactive preparation of betel leaf combined with areca nut and/or cured tobacco, chewed recreationally in Asia; such a preparation served wrapped in the leaf.

pawns (noun)

  1. The most common chess piece, or a similar piece in a similar game. In chess each side has eight; moves are only forward, and attacks are only forward diagonally or en passant.
  2. Someone who is being manipulated or used to some end.

pawns (noun)

  1. The state of being held as security for a loan, or as a pledge.
  2. An instance of pawning something.
  3. An item given as security on a loan, or as a pledge.
  4. A pawnshop; pawnbroker.

pawns (verb)

  1. To pledge; to stake or wager.
  2. To give as security on a loan of money; especially, to deposit (something) at a pawn shop.

pawns (noun)

  1. A gallery.

pawns (verb)

  1. (originally leet) To own, to defeat or dominate (someone or something, especially a game or someone playing a game).