5 letter words starting with nur

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with nur.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of nurds

nurds (noun)

  1. (sometimes derogatory) A person who is intellectual but generally introverted
  2. (sometimes derogatory) One who has an intense, obsessive interest in something.
  3. An unattractive, socially awkward, annoying, undesirable, and/or boring, person; a dork.
  4. (post-1980s) A member of a subculture revolving around video games, fantasy and science fiction, comic books and assorted media.

Definition of nurse

nurse (noun)

  1. A wet nurse.
  2. A person (usually a woman) who takes care of other people’s young.
  3. A person trained to provide care for the sick.
  4. One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, or fosters.
  5. A shrub or tree that protects a young plant.
  6. A lieutenant or first officer who takes command when the captain is unfit for his place.
  7. A larva of certain trematodes, which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction.
  8. A nurse shark.

nurse (verb)

  1. To breastfeed: to feed (a baby) at the breast; to suckle.
  2. To breastfeed: to be fed at the breast.
  3. To care for (someone), especially in sickness; to tend to.
  4. To treat kindly and with extra care
  5. To manage with care and economy
  6. To drink slowly
  7. To foster, to nourish
  8. To hold closely to one's chest
  9. To strike (billiard balls) gently, so as to keep them in good position during a series of shots.