5 letter words starting with noo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with noo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of noobs

noobs (noun)

  1. (often pejorative) A newb or newbie; refers to the idea that someone is new to a game, concept, or idea; implying a lack of experience. Also, in some areas the word noob can mean someone is obsessed with things.

Definition of nooks

nooks (noun)

  1. A small corner formed by two walls; an alcove.
  2. A hidden or secluded spot; a secluded retreat.
  3. A recess, cove or hollow.
  4. An English unit of land area, originally 1/4 of a yardland but later 12 1/2 or 20 acres.
  5. A corner of a piece of land; an angled piece of land, especially one extending into other land.

nooks (verb)

  1. To withdraw into a nook.
  2. To situate in a nook.

Definition of noone

noone (pronoun)

  1. Used in contrast to anyone, someone or everyone: not one person; nobody.

noone (noun)

  1. The ninth hour of the day counted from sunrise; around three o'clock in the afternoon.
  2. Time of day when the sun is in its zenith; twelve o'clock in the day, midday.
  3. The corresponding time in the middle of the night; midnight.
  4. The highest point; culmination.

noone (noun)

  1. The letter ن in the Arabic script.

Definition of noose

noose (noun)

  1. An adjustable loop of rope, such as the one placed around the neck in hangings, or the one at the end of a lasso.

noose (verb)

  1. To tie or catch in a noose; to entrap or ensnare.