Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with nic.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of nicer
nicer (adjective)
- Pleasant, satisfactory.
- Of a person: friendly, attractive.
- Respectable; virtuous.
- (with and) Shows that the given adjective is desirable, or acts as a mild intensifier; pleasantly, quite.
- Silly, ignorant; foolish.
- Particular in one's conduct; scrupulous, painstaking; choosy.
- Particular as regards rules or qualities; strict.
- Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment; subtle.
- Easily injured; delicate; dainty.
- Doubtful, as to the outcome; risky.
nicer (adverb)
- Nicely.
Definition of nicks
nicks (noun)
- A small cut in a surface.
- Senses connoting something small.
- Often in the expressions in bad nick and in good nick: condition, state.
- (law enforcement) A police station or prison.
nicks (verb)
- To make a nick or notch in; to cut or scratch in a minor way.
- To fit into or suit, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with.
- To make a cut at the side of the face.
- To steal.
- (law enforcement) To arrest.
nicks (verb)
- To give or call (someone) by a nickname; to style.
nicks (noun)
- A nix or nixie.
nicks (noun)
- A familiar, invented given name for a person or thing used instead of the actual name of the person or thing.
- A kind of byname that describes a person by a characteristic of that person.