Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with ner.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of nerds
nerds (noun)
- (sometimes derogatory) A person who is intellectual but generally introverted
- (sometimes derogatory) One who has an intense, obsessive interest in something.
- An unattractive, socially awkward, annoying, undesirable, and/or boring, person; a dork.
- (post-1980s) A member of a subculture revolving around video games, fantasy and science fiction, comic books and assorted media.
Definition of nerdy
nerdy (adjective)
- (of a person) Being or like a nerd.
- (of a quality or interest) Of, pertaining to, in the style of, or appealing to nerds.
Definition of nerfs
nerfs (verb)
- To bump lightly, whether accidentally or purposefully.
nerfs (noun)
- The deterioration, weakening or worsening of a character, a weapon, a spell, etc.
nerfs (verb)
- To cripple or weaken an element of a video game during its development (such as a character, a weapon, a spell, etc.).
- To arbitrarily limit or reduce the capability of.
Definition of nerve
nerve (noun)
- A bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics.
- A neuron.
- A vein in a leaf; a grain in wood
- Courage, boldness.
- Patience.
- Stamina, endurance, fortitude.
- Audacity, gall.
- (polymer technology) The elastic resistance of raw rubber or other polymers to permanent deformation during processing.
- (in the plural) Agitation caused by fear, stress or other negative emotion.
- Sinew, tendon.
nerve (verb)
- To give courage.
- To give strength; to supply energy or vigour.