5 letter words starting with nas

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with nas.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of nasal

nasal (noun)

  1. A medicine that operates through the nose; an errhine.
  2. A vowel or consonant (such as [m] or [n]) articulated with air flowing through the nose.
  3. Part of a helmet projecting to protect the nose; a nose guard.
  4. One of the nasal bones.
  5. A plate, or scale, on the nose of a fish, etc.

nasal (adjective)

  1. Of or pertaining to the nose or to the nasion
  2. Having a sound imparted by means of the nose; and specifically, made by lowering the soft palate, in some cases with closure of the oral passage, the voice thus issuing (wholly or partially) through the nose, as in the consonants m, n, ng; characterized by resonance in the nasal passage

Definition of nashi

nashi (noun)

  1. A fruit, the Nashi pear, Pyrus pyrifolia.

Definition of nasho

nasho (noun)

  1. Military national service, conscription.
  2. A person doing military national service.

Definition of nasty

nasty (noun)

  1. Something nasty.
  2. (preceded by "the") Sexual intercourse.
  3. A video nasty.

nasty (adjective)

  1. Dirty, filthy.
  2. Contemptible, unpleasant (of a person).
  3. Objectionable, unpleasant (of a thing); repellent, offensive.
  4. Indecent or offensive; obscene, lewd.
  5. Spiteful, unkind.
  6. Awkward, difficult to navigate; dangerous.
  7. Grave or dangerous (of an accident, illness etc.).
  8. Formidable, terrific; wicked.