5 letter words starting with mut

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with mut.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of muted

muted (verb)

  1. To silence, to make quiet.
  2. To turn off the sound of.

muted (verb)

  1. Of a bird: to defecate.

muted (verb)

  1. To cast off; to moult.

muted (adjective)

  1. Not expressed strongly or openly.
  2. (of a sound) Quiet or soft.
  3. (of color) Subdued.

Definition of mutes

mutes (noun)

  1. A stopped consonant; a stop.
  2. An actor who does not speak; a mime performer.
  3. A person who does not have the power of speech.
  4. A hired mourner at a funeral; an undertaker's assistant.
  5. An object for dulling the sound of an instrument, especially a brass instrument, or damper for pianoforte; a sordine.
  6. An electronic switch or control that mutes the sound.
  7. A mute swan.

mutes (verb)

  1. To silence, to make quiet.
  2. To turn off the sound of.

mutes (noun)

  1. The faeces of a hawk or falcon.

mutes (verb)

  1. Of a bird: to defecate.

mutes (verb)

  1. To cast off; to moult.

Definition of muton

muton (noun)

  1. A unit of mutation forming part of a recon.

Definition of mutts

mutts (noun)

  1. A monastic or similar religious establishment in Hinduism and Jainism, usually more formal and hierarchical than an ashram.

mutts (noun)

  1. A mongrel dog (or sometimes cat); an animal of mixed breed or uncertain origin.
  2. (sometimes derogatory) A person of diverse ancestry.
  3. An idiot, a stupid person.