5 letter words starting with mog

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with mog.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of moggy

moggy (noun)

  1. A young cow or bull.
  2. Leather made of the skin of the calf; especially, a fine, light-coloured leather used in bookbinding.
  3. A young deer, elephant, seal, whale or giraffe (also used of some other animals).
  4. A chunk of ice broken from a larger glacier, ice shelf, or iceberg.
  5. A small island, near a larger island.
  6. A cabless railroad engine.
  7. An awkward or silly boy or young man; any silly person; a dolt.

moggy (noun)

  1. The back of the leg below the knee.
  2. The muscle in the back of the leg below the knee.

moggy (noun)

  1. A female child, adolescent, or a young woman.
  2. A young female animal.
  3. (sometimes offensive) A woman, especially a young woman
  4. A female servant; a maid. (see usage notes)
  5. A queen (the playing card.)
  6. A term of endearment. (see usage notes)
  7. One's girlfriend.
  8. One's daughter.
  9. A roebuck two years old.
  10. Cocaine, especially in powder form.
  11. (somewhat childish) A female (tree, gene, etc).
  12. A boy or man who is weak or sentimental.

moggy (noun)

  1. A domestic cat, especially a non-pedigree or unremarkable cat.
  2. A kind of cake made with ginger, treacle, etc.

moggy (noun)

  1. An effigy, typically made of straw and dressed in old clothes, fixed to a pole in a field to deter birds from eating seeds or crops planted there.
  2. A tall, thin, awkward person.
  3. Anything that appears terrifying but presents no danger.
  4. A person clad in rags and tatters.
  5. A bird, the black tern.

moggy (noun)

  1. A slut, a sexually promiscuous woman.
  2. A dirty and untidy woman.

Definition of mogul

mogul (noun)

  1. A rich or powerful person; a magnate.

mogul (noun)

  1. A hump or bump on a skiing piste.
  2. A larger-sized (39 mm diameter) screw base used for large, high-power light bulbs, known as mogul (screw) base light bulbs.
  3. A machine that forms shaped candies from syrups or gels.