Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with mas.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of masks
masks (noun)
- A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection.
- That which disguises; a pretext or subterfuge.
- A festive entertainment of dancing or other diversions, where all wear masks; a masquerade
- A person wearing a mask.
- A dramatic performance, formerly in vogue, in which the actors wore masks and represented mythical or allegorical characters.
- A grotesque head or face, used to adorn keystones and other prominent parts, to spout water in fountains, and the like
- (fortification) In a permanent fortification, a redoubt which protects the caponiere.
- (fortification) A screen for a battery
- The lower lip of the larva of a dragonfly, modified so as to form a prehensile organ.
- (Puebloan) A ceremonial object used in Puebloan kachina cults that resembles a Euro-American mask. (The term is objected to as an appropriate translation by Puebloan peoples as it emphasizes imitation but ignores power and representational intent.)
- A pattern of bits used in bitwise operations; bitmask.
- A two-color (black and white) bitmap generated from an image, used to create transparency in the image.
- The head of a fox, shown face-on and cut off immediately behind the ears.
masks (verb)
- To cover (the face or something else), in order to conceal the identity or protect against injury; to cover with a mask or visor.
- To disguise; to cover; to hide.
- To conceal; also, to intervene in the line of.
- To cover or keep in check.
- To take part as a masker in a masquerade
- To wear a mask; to be disguised in any way
- To cover or shield a part of a design or picture in order to prevent reproduction or to safeguard the surface from the colors used when working with an air brush or painting
- To set or unset (certain bits, or binary digits, within a value) by means of a bitmask.
- To disable (an interrupt, etc.) by setting or unsetting the associated bit.
masks (noun)
- A mesh.
- The mesh of a net; a net; net-bag.
masks (noun)
- Mash.
masks (verb)
- To mash.
- To mix malt with hot water to yield wort.
- To be infused or steeped.
- To prepare tea in a teapot; alternative to brew.
masks (verb)
- To bewilder; confuse.
Definition of mason
mason (noun)
- A bricklayer, one whose occupation is to build with stone or brick
- One who prepares stone for building purposes.
- A member of the fraternity of Freemasons. See Freemason.
mason (verb)
- (normally with a preposition) To build stonework or brickwork about, under, in, over, etc.; to construct by masons
Definition of massy
massy (adjective)
- Heavy; massive.
massy (noun)
- Someone who has control over something or someone.
- The owner of an animal or slave.
- The captain of a merchant ship; a master mariner.
- The head of a household.
- Someone who employs others.
- An expert at something.
- A tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices.
- A schoolmaster.
- A skilled artist.
- A man or a boy; mister. See Master.
- A master's degree; a type of postgraduate degree, usually undertaken after a bachelor degree.
- A person holding such a degree.
- The original of a document or of a recording.
- The primary wide shot of a scene, into which the closeups will be edited later.
- A parajudicial officer (such as a referee, an auditor, an examiner, or an assessor) specially appointed to help a court with its proceedings.
- A device that is controlling other devices or is an authoritative source.
- A person holding an office of authority, especially the presiding officer.
- (by extension) A person holding a similar office in other civic societies.
massy (noun)
- (in combination) A vessel having a specified number of masts.
massy (noun)
- Relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another.
- Forgiveness or compassion, especially toward those less fortunate.
- A tendency toward forgiveness, pity, or compassion.
- Instances of forbearance or forgiveness.
- A blessing; something to be thankful for.