5 letter words starting with low

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with low.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of lower

lower (adjective)

  1. Situated close to, or even below, the ground or another normal reference plane; not high or lofty.
  2. Of less than normal height; below the average or normal level from which elevation is measured.
  3. Not high in status, esteem or rank, dignity, or quality. (Compare vulgar.)
  4. Humble, meek, not haughty.
  5. Disparaging; assigning little value or excellence.
  6. Being a nadir, a bottom.
  7. Depressed in mood, dejected, sad.
  8. Lacking health or vitality, strength or vivacity; feeble; weak.
  9. Small, not high (in amount or quantity, value, force, energy, etc).
  10. Simple in complexity or development; (in several set phrases) favoring simplicity; (see e.g. low church, Low Tory).
  11. (in several set phrases) Being near the equator.
  12. (acoustics) Grave in pitch, due to being produced by relatively slow vibrations (wave oscillations); flat.
  13. Quiet; soft; not loud.
  14. Made with a relatively large opening between the tongue and the palate; made with (part of) the tongue positioned low in the mouth, relative to the palate.
  15. Lesser in value than other cards, denominations, suits, etc.
  16. Not rich or seasoned; offering the minimum of nutritional requirements; plain, simple.
  17. (of an automobile, gear, etc) Designed for a slow (or the slowest) speed.

lower (adverb)

  1. Close to the ground.
  2. Of a pitch, at a lower frequency.
  3. With a low voice or sound; not loudly; gently.
  4. Under the usual price; at a moderate price; cheaply.
  5. In a low mean condition; humbly; meanly.
  6. In a time approaching our own.
  7. In a path near the equator, so that the declination is small, or near the horizon, so that the altitude is small; said of the heavenly bodies with reference to the diurnal revolution.

lower (verb)

  1. To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended; to let down
  2. To pull down
  3. To reduce the height of
  4. To depress as to direction
  5. To make less elevated
  6. To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of
  7. To bring down; to humble
  8. (lower oneself) To humble oneself; to do something one considers to be beneath one's dignity.
  9. To reduce (something) in value, amount, etc.
  10. To fall; to sink; to grow less; to diminish; to decrease
  11. To decrease in value, amount, etc.

lower (verb)

  1. To frown; to look sullen.
  2. To be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds; of the sky: to be covered with dark and threatening clouds; to show threatening signs of approach, as a tempest.

Definition of lowly

lowly (adjective)

  1. Not high; not elevated in place; low.
  2. Low in rank or social importance.
  3. Not lofty or sublime; humble.
  4. Having a low esteem of one's own worth; humble; meek; free from pride.

lowly (adverb)

  1. In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly.
  2. In a low condition; meanly.
  3. At low pitch or volume.