5 letter words starting with lov

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with lov.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of lovat

lovat (noun)

  1. A dusty blue-green colour.

lovat (adjective)

  1. Of a dusty blue-green colour.

Definition of loved

loved (verb)

  1. (usually transitive, sometimes intransitive, stative) To have a strong affection for (someone or something).
  2. To need, thrive on.
  3. To be strongly inclined towards something; an emphatic form of like.
  4. (usually transitive, sometimes intransitive) To care deeply about, to be dedicated to (someone or something).
  5. To derive delight from a fact or situation.
  6. To have sex with (perhaps from make love).

loved (verb)

  1. To praise; commend.
  2. To praise as of value; prize; set a price on.

loved (adjective)

  1. Being the object of love.

Definition of lover

lover (noun)

  1. One who loves and cares for another person in a romantic way; a sweetheart, love, soulmate, boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse.
  2. A sexual partner, especially one with whom someone is having an affair.
  3. A person who loves something.
  4. (with "my") An informal term of address for any friend.

lover (noun)

  1. A type of turret on the roof of certain medieval buildings designed to allow ventilation or the admission of light.
  2. (chiefly in plural) A series of sloping overlapping slats or boards which admit air and light but exclude rain etc.
  3. Any of a system of slits, as in the hood of an automobile, for ventilation.

Definition of loves

loves (noun)

  1. Strong affection.
  2. A person who is the object of romantic feelings; a darling, a sweetheart, a beloved.
  3. A term of friendly address, regardless of feelings.
  4. A thing, activity etc which is the object of one's deep liking or enthusiasm.
  5. Sexual desire; attachment based on sexual attraction.
  6. Sexual activity.
  7. An instance or episode of being in love; a love affair.
  8. Used as the closing, before the signature, of a letter, especially between good friends or family members, or by the young.
  9. Alternative letter-case form of Love.
  10. A thin silk material.
  11. A climbing plant, Clematis vitalba.

loves (verb)

  1. (usually transitive, sometimes intransitive, stative) To have a strong affection for (someone or something).
  2. To need, thrive on.
  3. To be strongly inclined towards something; an emphatic form of like.
  4. (usually transitive, sometimes intransitive) To care deeply about, to be dedicated to (someone or something).
  5. To derive delight from a fact or situation.
  6. To have sex with (perhaps from make love).

loves (verb)

  1. To praise; commend.
  2. To praise as of value; prize; set a price on.