Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with los.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of losel
losel (noun)
- A worthless or despicable person.
losel (adjective)
- Worthless; wasteful.
Definition of loser
loser (noun)
- A person who loses; one who fails to win or thrive.
- Something of poor quality.
- A person who is frequently unsuccessful in life.
- A contemptible or unfashionable person.
- One who or that which loses something, such as extra weight, car keys, etc.
Definition of loses
loses (verb)
- To cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability due to unfortunate or unknown circumstances, events or reasons.
- To wander from; to miss, so as not to be able to find; to go astray from.
- To fail to win (a game, competition, trial, etc).
- To be unable to follow or trace (somebody or something) any longer.
- To cause (somebody) to be unable to follow or trace one any longer.
- To cease exhibiting; to overcome (a behavior or emotion).
- To shed, remove, discard, or eliminate.
- Of a clock, to run slower than expected.
- (ditransitive) To cause (someone) the loss of something; to deprive of.
- To fail to catch with the mind or senses; to miss.
- To cause to part with; to deprive of.
Definition of lossy
lossy (adjective)
- Of a communication channel, subject to loss of signal strength.
- (power systems) Of an electricity transmission line, subject to various forms of power loss.
- (of an algorithm for converting or compressing data) Reducing the amount of information in data.