5 letter words starting with lik

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with lik.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of liked

liked (verb)

  1. To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.
  2. To please.
  3. To derive pleasure of, by or with someone or something.
  4. To prefer and maintain (an action) as a regular habit or activity.
  5. To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition).
  6. To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly.
  7. To find attractive; to prefer the company of; to have mild romantic feelings for.
  8. To liken; to compare.
  9. To show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote.
  10. (with 'would' and in certain other phrases) To want, desire. See also would like.

liked (verb)

  1. To be likely.

Definition of liken

liken (verb)

  1. (followed by to or unto) To compare; to state that (something) is like (something else).

Definition of likes

likes (noun)

  1. (usually in the plural) Something that a person likes (prefers).
  2. An individual vote showing support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet.

likes (verb)

  1. To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.
  2. To please.
  3. To derive pleasure of, by or with someone or something.
  4. To prefer and maintain (an action) as a regular habit or activity.
  5. To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition).
  6. To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly.
  7. To find attractive; to prefer the company of; to have mild romantic feelings for.
  8. To liken; to compare.
  9. To show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote.
  10. (with 'would' and in certain other phrases) To want, desire. See also would like.

likes (noun)

  1. (sometimes as the likes of') Someone similar to a given person, or something similar to a given object; a comparative; a type; a sort.
  2. The stroke that equalizes the number of strokes played by the opposing player or side.

likes (verb)

  1. To be likely.