5 letter words starting with lat

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with lat.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of later

later (adjective)

  1. Near the end of a period of time.
  2. Specifically, near the end of the day.
  3. (usually not comparable) Associated with the end of a period.
  4. Not arriving until after an expected time.
  5. Not having had an expected menstrual period.
  6. Deceased, dead: used particularly when speaking of the dead person's actions while alive. (Often used with "the"; see usage notes.)
  7. Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now; departed, or gone out of office.
  8. Recent — relative to the noun it modifies.
  9. Of a star or class of stars, cooler than the sun.

later (adverb)

  1. After a deadline has passed, past a designated time.
  2. Formerly, especially in the context of service in a military unit.
  3. Not long ago; just now.

later (adverb)

  1. Afterward in time (used with than when comparing with another time).
  2. At some unspecified time in the future.

later (interjection)

  1. See you later; goodbye.

Definition of lathe

lathe (verb)

  1. To invite; bid; ask.

lathe (noun)

  1. An administrative division of the county of Kent, in England, from the Anglo-Saxon period until it fell entirely out of use in the early twentieth century.

lathe (noun)

  1. A machine tool used to shape a piece of material, or workpiece, by rotating the workpiece against a cutting tool.
  2. The movable swing frame of a loom, carrying the reed for separating the warp threads and beating up the weft; a lay, or batten.
  3. A granary; a barn.

lathe (verb)

  1. To shape with a lathe.
  2. To produce a three-dimensional model by rotating a set of points around a fixed axis.

Definition of lathi

lathi (noun)

  1. A heavy stick or club, usually used by policemen.
  2. A martial art based on stick fighting originally practiced in India.

Definition of latke

latke (noun)

  1. A pancake fried in oil, usually made from potatoes and sometimes also onions, traditionally served on Hanukkah.