5 letter words starting with ker

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with ker.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of kerbs

kerbs (noun)

  1. The edge between the pavement and the roadway, consisting of a line of kerbstones.
  2. A stone ring built to enclose and sometimes revet the cairn or barrow built over a chamber tomb.

Definition of kerfs

kerfs (noun)

  1. The act of cutting or carving something; a stroke or slice.
  2. The groove or slit created by cutting or sawing something; an incision.
  3. The distance between diverging saw teeth.
  4. The flattened, cut-off end of a branch or tree; a stump or sawn-off cross-section.
  5. The portion or quantity (e.g. of hay, turf, wool, etc.) cut off in a given stroke.

Definition of kerns

kerns (noun)

  1. A corn; grain; kernel.
  2. The last handful or sheaf reaped at the harvest.
  3. The harvest home.

kerns (noun)

  1. Any part of a letter which extends into the space used by another letter.

kerns (verb)

  1. (chiefly proportional font printing) To adjust the horizontal space between selected pairs of letters (characters or glyphs); to perform such adjustments to a portion of text, according to preset rules.

kerns (noun)

  1. A light-armed foot soldier of the ancient militia of Ireland and Scotland; in archaic contexts often used as a term of contempt.
  2. A boor; a low person.
  3. An idler; a vagabond.

kerns (noun)

  1. A churn.

kerns (noun)

  1. A mill for grinding corn, especially a hand-mill made of two circular stones.