5 letter words starting with id

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with id.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of ideal

ideal (adjective)

  1. Optimal; being the best possibility.
  2. Perfect, flawless, having no defects.
  3. Pertaining to ideas, or to a given idea.
  4. Existing only in the mind; conceptual, imaginary.
  5. Teaching or relating to the doctrine of idealism.
  6. Not actually present, but considered as present when limits at infinity are included.

Definition of ideas

ideas (noun)

  1. An abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect approximations; pure essence, as opposed to actual examples.
  2. The conception of someone or something as representing a perfect example; an ideal.
  3. The form or shape of something; a quintessential aspect or characteristic.
  4. An image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory.
  5. More generally, any result of mental activity; a thought, a notion; a way of thinking.
  6. A conception in the mind of something to be done; a plan for doing something, an intention.
  7. A purposeful aim or goal; intent
  8. A vague or fanciful notion; a feeling or hunch; an impression.
  9. A musical theme or melodic subject.

Definition of idiom

idiom (noun)

  1. A manner of speaking, a mode of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people.
  2. A language or language variety; specifically, a restricted dialect used in a given historical period, context etc.
  3. An established expression whose meaning is not deducible from the literal meanings of its component words, often peculiar to a given language.
  4. An artistic style (for example, in art, architecture, or music); an instance of such a style.
  5. A programming construct or phraseology that is characteristic of the language.

Definition of idols

idols (noun)

  1. A graven image or representation of anything that is revered, or believed to convey spiritual power.
  2. A cultural icon, or especially popular person.
  3. (originally Japan) Popular entertainer; usually young, captivating, attractive; and often female, with an image of being close to fans.
  4. An eidolon or phantom; something misleading or elusive.