5 letter words starting with hul

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with hul.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of hulks

hulks (noun)

  1. A non-functional but floating ship, usually stripped of rigging and equipment, and often put to other uses such as storage or accommodation.
  2. Any large ship that is difficult to maneuver.
  3. A large structure with a dominating presence.
  4. A big (and possibly clumsy) person.
  5. An excessively muscled person.

hulks (verb)

  1. To reduce (a ship) to a (nonfunctional) hulk.
  2. To be a hulk, a large (hulking) and often imposing presence.
  3. To move (one's large, hulking body).

hulks (verb)

  1. To remove the entrails of; to disembowel.

Definition of hullo

hullo (noun)

  1. "Hello!" or an equivalent greeting.

hullo (verb)

  1. To greet with "hello".

hullo (interjection)

  1. A greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence.
  2. A greeting used when answering the telephone.
  3. A call for response if it is not clear if anyone is present or listening, or if a telephone conversation may have been disconnected.
  4. Used sarcastically to imply that the person addressed or referred to has done something the speaker or writer considers to be foolish.
  5. An expression of puzzlement or discovery.

Definition of hulls

hulls (noun)

  1. The outer covering of a fruit or seed.
  2. Any covering.

hulls (verb)

  1. To remove the outer covering of a fruit or seed.

hulls (noun)

  1. The body or frame of a vessel, such as a ship or plane.
  2. (of a set A) The smallest set that possesses a particular property (such as convexity) and contains every point of A; slightly more formally, the intersection of all sets which possess the specified property and of which A is a subset.

hulls (verb)

  1. To drift; to be carried by the impetus of wind or water on the ship's hull alone, with sails furled.
  2. To hit (a ship) in the hull with cannon fire etc.