Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with hou.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of hough
hough (noun)
- The hollow behind the knee.
hough (verb)
- To hamstring.
hough (noun)
- A piece of land that juts out towards the sea; a promontory.
hough (verb)
- Archaic spelling of hoe.
hough (noun)
- A piece of land that juts out towards the sea; a promontory.
Definition of hound
hound (noun)
- A dog, particularly a breed with a good sense of smell developed for hunting other animals.
- Any canine animal.
- (by extension) Someone who seeks something.
- (by extension) A male who constantly seeks the company of desirable women.
- A despicable person.
- A houndfish.
hound (verb)
- To persistently harass.
- To urge on against; to set (dogs) upon in hunting.
hound (noun)
- (in the plural) Projections at the masthead, serving as a support for the trestletrees and top to rest on.
- A side bar used to strengthen portions of the running gear of a vehicle.
Definition of hours
hours (noun)
- A time period of sixty minutes; one twenty-fourth of a day.
- A season, moment, or time.
- The time.
- (in the plural) Used after a two-digit hour and a two-digit minute to indicate time.
- (in the plural) The set times of prayer, the canonical hours, the offices or services prescribed for these, or a book containing them.
- A distance that can be traveled in one hour.
Definition of house
house (noun)
- A structure built or serving as an abode of human beings.
- The people who live in a house; a household.
- A building used for something other than a residence (typically with qualifying word).
- The audience for a live theatrical or similar performance.
- A theatre.
- A building where a deliberative assembly meets; whence the assembly itself, particularly a component of a legislature.
- A dynasty; a family with its ancestors and descendants, especially a royal or noble one.
- A place of rest or repose.
- A grouping of schoolchildren for the purposes of competition in sports and other activities.
- An animal's shelter or den, or the shell of an animal such as a snail, used for protection.
- One of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart.
- The fourth Lenormand card.
- A square on a chessboard, regarded as the proper place of a piece.
- The four concentric circles where points are scored on the ice.
- Lotto; bingo.
- A children's game in which the players pretend to be members of a household.
- A small stand of trees in a swamp.
- (sudoku) A set of cells in a Sudoku puzzle which must contain each digit exactly once, such as a row, column, or 3×3 box in classic Sudoku.
house (verb)
- To keep within a structure or container.
- To admit to residence; to harbor/harbour.
- To take shelter or lodging; to abide; to lodge.
- To dwell within one of the twelve astrological houses.
- To contain or cover mechanical parts.
- To drive to a shelter.
- To deposit and cover, as in the grave.
- To stow in a safe place; to take down and make safe.
- To eat.
house (noun)
- House music.