Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with hat.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of hatch
hatch (noun)
- A horizontal door in a floor or ceiling.
- A trapdoor.
- An opening in a wall at window height for the purpose of serving food or other items. A pass through.
- A small door in large mechanical structures and vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft often provided for access for maintenance.
- An opening through the deck of a ship or submarine
- A gullet.
- A frame or weir in a river, for catching fish.
- A floodgate; a sluice gate.
- A bedstead.
- An opening into, or in search of, a mine.
hatch (verb)
- To close with a hatch or hatches.
hatch (noun)
- The act of hatching.
- Development; disclosure; discovery.
- (poultry) A group of birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time.
- (often as mayfly hatch) The phenomenon, lasting 1–2 days, of large clouds of mayflies appearing in one location to mate, having reached maturity.
- A birth, the birth records (in the newspaper) — compare the phrase "hatched, matched, and dispatched."
hatch (verb)
- (of young animals) To emerge from an egg.
- (of eggs) To break open when a young animal emerges from it.
- To incubate eggs; to cause to hatch.
- To devise.
hatch (verb)
- To shade an area of (a drawing, diagram, etc.) with fine parallel lines, or with lines which cross each other (cross-hatch).
- To cross; to spot; to stain; to steep.
Definition of hated
hated (verb)
- To dislike intensely or greatly.
- To experience hatred.
hated (adjective)
- Disliked; odious; reviled.
Definition of hater
hater (noun)
- One who hates.
- One who expresses unfounded or inappropriate hatred or dislike, particularly if motivated by envy.
Definition of hates
hates (noun)
- An object of hatred.
- Hatred.
- Negative feedback, abusive behaviour.
hates (verb)
- To dislike intensely or greatly.
- To experience hatred.