5 letter words starting with gul

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with gul.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of gulch

gulch (noun)

  1. A ravine-like or deep V-shaped valley, often eroded by flash floods; shallower than a canyon and deeper than a gully.
  2. An act of gulching or gulping.
  3. A glutton.

gulch (verb)

  1. To swallow greedily; to gulp down.
  2. To fall heavily.

Definition of gulet

gulet (noun)

  1. A schooner.

Definition of gulfs

gulfs (noun)

  1. A hollow place in the earth; an abyss; a deep chasm or basin.
  2. That which swallows; the gullet.
  3. That which swallows irretrievably; a whirlpool; a sucking eddy.
  4. A portion of an ocean or sea extending into the land; a partially landlocked sea
  5. A large deposit of ore in a lode.
  6. A difference, especially a large difference, between groups.
  7. (Oxbridge slang) The bottom part of a list of those awarded a degree, for those who have only just passed.

gulfs (verb)

  1. (Oxbridge slang) To award a degree to somebody who has only just passed sufficiently.

Definition of gully

gully (noun)

  1. A trench, ravine or narrow channel which was worn by water flow, especially on a hillside.
  2. A small valley.
  3. A drop kerb.
  4. A road drain.
  5. A fielding position on the off side about 30 degrees behind square, between the slips and point; a fielder in such a position
  6. A grooved iron rail or tram plate.

gully (verb)

  1. To flow noisily.
  2. To wear away into a gully or gullies.

gully (noun)

  1. (northern UK) A large knife.