5 letter words starting with gui

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with gui.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of guide

guide (noun)

  1. Someone who guides, especially someone hired to show people around a place or an institution and offer information and explanation.
  2. A document or book that offers information or instruction; guidebook.
  3. A sign that guides people; guidepost.
  4. Any marking or object that catches the eye to provide quick reference.
  5. A device that guides part of a machine, or guides motion or action.
  6. A spirit believed to speak through a medium.
  7. A member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest.

guide (verb)

  1. To serve as a guide for someone or something; to lead or direct in a way; to conduct in a course or path.
  2. To steer or navigate, especially a ship or as a pilot.
  3. To exert control or influence over someone or something.
  4. To supervise the education or training of someone.
  5. To act as a guide.

Definition of guido

guido (noun)

  1. Italian-American male; an American male of Italian extraction as a member of the working-class.

Definition of guild

guild (noun)

  1. A group or association mainly of tradespeople made up of merchants, craftspeople, or artisans for mutual aid, particularly in the Middle Ages.
  2. A corporation.
  3. A group of diverse species that share common characteristics or habits.
  4. An organized group of players who regularly play together in a multiplayer game.

Definition of guile

guile (noun)

  1. Astuteness often marked by a certain sense of cunning or artful deception.
  2. Deceptiveness, deceit, fraud, duplicity, dishonesty.

guile (verb)

  1. To deceive, beguile, bewile.

Definition of guiro

guiro (noun)

  1. A musical instrument, a shaker, made of a hollow gourd with parallel notches cut in one side, and played by rubbing a stick or scraper ("pua") along the notches to produce a ratchet-like sound.
  2. A genre of traditional Cuban music, used in santería rituals.

guiro (noun)

  1. A musical instrument consisting of a gourd surrounded by a net of beads.