5 letter words starting with gap

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with gap.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of gaped

gaped (verb)

  1. To open the mouth wide, especially involuntarily, as in a yawn, anger, or surprise.
  2. To stare in wonder.
  3. To open wide; to display a gap.
  4. Of a cat: to open the passage to the vomeronasal organ, analogous to the flehming in other animals.

Definition of gaper

gaper (noun)

  1. One who gapes; a starer.
  2. Any of several species of burrowing clams.
  3. The comber, a fish of the species Serranus cabrilla.
  4. The fish Champsodon capensis
  5. An inexperienced skier.

Definition of gapes

gapes (noun)

  1. An act of gaping; a yawn.
  2. A large opening.
  3. A disease in poultry caused by gapeworm in the windpipe, a symptom of which is frequent gaping.
  4. The width of an opening.
  5. The maximum opening of the mouth (of a bird, fish, etc.) when it is open.

gapes (verb)

  1. To open the mouth wide, especially involuntarily, as in a yawn, anger, or surprise.
  2. To stare in wonder.
  3. To open wide; to display a gap.
  4. Of a cat: to open the passage to the vomeronasal organ, analogous to the flehming in other animals.