Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with fy.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of fyrds
fyrds (noun)
- In early Anglo-Saxon times, an army that was mobilized from freemen to defend their shire, or from select representatives to join a royal expedition.
Definition of fytte
fytte (noun)
- The degree to which something fits.
- Conformity of elements one to another.
- The part of an object upon which anything fits tightly.
- Measure of how well a particular commercial execution captures the character or values of a brand.
- Goodness of fit.
- The quality of a partnership's combined holding of cards in a suit, particularly of trump.
fytte (noun)
- A section of a poem or ballad.
fytte (noun)
- A seizure or convulsion.
- A sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom over a short period of time.
- A sudden outburst of emotion.
- A sudden burst (of an activity).