5 letter words starting with fro

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with fro.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of frost

frost (noun)

  1. A cover of minute ice crystals on objects that are exposed to the air. Frost is formed by the same process as dew, except that the temperature of the frosted object is below freezing.
  2. The cold weather that causes these ice crystals to form.
  3. Coldness or insensibility; severity or rigidity of character.
  4. The act of freezing; the congelation of water or other liquid.
  5. A shade of white, like that of frost.
  6. A disappointment; a cheat.

frost (verb)

  1. To cover with frost.
  2. To become covered with frost.
  3. To coat (something, e.g. a cake) with icing to resemble frost.
  4. To anger or annoy.
  5. To sharpen (the points of a horse's shoe) to prevent it from slipping on ice.

Definition of frown

frown (noun)

  1. A facial expression in which the eyebrows are brought together, and the forehead is wrinkled, usually indicating displeasure, sadness or worry, or less often confusion or concentration.
  2. A facial expression in which the corners of the mouth are pointed down.

frown (verb)

  1. To have a frown on one's face.
  2. To manifest displeasure or disapprobation; to look with disfavour or threateningly.
  3. To repress or repel by expressing displeasure or disapproval; to rebuke with a look.
  4. To communicate by frowning.

Definition of frows

frows (noun)

  1. A cleaving tool for splitting cask staves and shingles from the block.

frows (noun)

  1. A dirty woman; a slattern; a frow.

frows (noun)

  1. A woman; a wife, especially a Dutch or German one.
  2. A slovenly woman; a wench; a lusty woman.
  3. A big, fat woman; a slovenly, coarse, or untidy woman; a woman of low character.

frows (noun)

  1. A cleaving tool with handle at right angles to the blade, for splitting cask staves and shingles from the block; a frower.