5 letter words starting with fri

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with fri.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of friar

friar (noun)

  1. A member of a mendicant Christian order such as the Augustinians, Carmelites (white friars), Franciscans (grey friars) or the Dominicans (black friars).
  2. A white or pale patch on a printed page.
  3. An American fish, the silverside.

Definition of frier

frier (noun)

  1. A container for frying food.
  2. A young chicken suitable for frying; a pullet

frier (noun)

  1. A member of a mendicant Christian order such as the Augustinians, Carmelites (white friars), Franciscans (grey friars) or the Dominicans (black friars).
  2. A white or pale patch on a printed page.
  3. An American fish, the silverside.

Definition of frith

frith (noun)

  1. Peace; security.
  2. Sanctuary, asylum.

frith (verb)

  1. To protect; guard.
  2. To enclose; fence in, as a forest or park.

frith (noun)

  1. A forest or wood; woodland generally.
  2. Land with mostly undergrowth and few trees; also, land in between forests or woods; pastureland which is not in use.
  3. Brushwood or undergrowth, sometimes in the form of a hedge.
  4. A hedge, especially one made from brushwood which has been wattled; also, a movable frame made from wattled branches, a hurdle.
  5. A kind of weir made from wattled branches for catching fish.

frith (noun)

  1. An arm or inlet of the sea; a river estuary.

frith (noun)

  1. Peace; security.
  2. Sanctuary, asylum.

frith (noun)

  1. A forest or wood; woodland generally.
  2. Land with mostly undergrowth and few trees; also, land in between forests or woods; pastureland which is not in use.
  3. Brushwood or undergrowth, sometimes in the form of a hedge.
  4. A hedge, especially one made from brushwood which has been wattled; also, a movable frame made from wattled branches, a hurdle.
  5. A kind of weir made from wattled branches for catching fish.

Definition of frits

frits (noun)

  1. A fused mixture of materials used to make glass.
  2. A similar material used in the manufacture of ceramic beads and small ornaments. (eastern Mediterranean; Bronze and Iron Age)

frits (verb)

  1. To add frit to a glass or ceramic mixture
  2. To prepare by heat (the materials for making glass); to fuse partially.

frits (noun)

  1. A frit fly.