5 letter words starting with fre

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with fre.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of freak

freak (noun)

  1. A sudden change of mind
  2. Someone or something that is markedly unusual or unpredictable.
  3. A hippie.
  4. A drug addict.
  5. (of a person) A nonconformist, especially in appearance, social behavior, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or business practices; an oddball, especially in physiology (i.e., "circus freak"); unique, sometimes in a displeasing way.
  6. A person whose physique has grown far beyond the normal limits of muscular development; often a bodybuilder weighing more than 120 kilos (260 pounds).
  7. An enthusiast, or person who has an obsession with, or extreme knowledge of, something.
  8. (sometimes affectionate) A very sexually perverse individual.
  9. A streak of colour; variegation.

freak (verb)

  1. To make greatly distressed and/or a discomposed appearance
  2. To be placed or place someone under the influence of a psychedelic drug
  3. To streak; to variegate
  4. To experience reality withdrawal, or hallucinations (nightmarish), to behave irrational or unconventional due to drug use.
  5. To react extremely or irrationally, usually under distress or discomposure

freak (adjective)

  1. Strange, weird, unexpected

freak (noun)

  1. A man, particularly a bold, strong, vigorous man.
  2. A fellow; a petulant young man.

Definition of freed

freed (verb)

  1. To make free; set at liberty; release.
  2. To rid of something that confines or oppresses.

Definition of frets

frets (noun)

  1. Agitation of the surface of a fluid by fermentation or some other cause; a rippling on the surface of water.
  2. Agitation of the mind marked by complaint and impatience; disturbance of temper; irritation.
  3. Herpes; tetter.
  4. (in the plural) The worn sides of riverbanks, where ores or stones containing them accumulate after being washed down from higher ground, which thus indicate to miners the locality of veins of ore.

frets (verb)

  1. Especially when describing animals: to consume, devour, or eat.
  2. To chafe or irritate; to worry.
  3. To make rough, to agitate or disturb; to cause to ripple.
  4. In the form fret out: to squander, to waste.
  5. To gnaw; to consume, to eat away.
  6. To be chafed or irritated; to be angry or vexed; to utter peevish expressions through irritation or worry.
  7. To be worn away; to chafe; to fray.
  8. To be anxious, to worry.
  9. To be agitated; to rankle; to be in violent commotion.
  10. To have secondary fermentation (fermentation occurring after the conversion of sugar to alcohol in beers and wine) take place.

frets (noun)

  1. An ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines, often in relief.
  2. A saltire interlaced with a mascle.

frets (verb)

  1. To decorate or ornament, especially with an interlaced or interwoven pattern, or with carving or relief (raised) work.
  2. To form a pattern on; to variegate.
  3. To cut through with a fretsaw, to create fretwork.

frets (noun)

  1. A ferrule, a ring.
  2. One of the pieces of metal, plastic or wood across the neck of a guitar or other string instrument that marks where a finger should be positioned to depress a string as it is played.

frets (verb)

  1. To bind, to tie, originally with a loop or ring.
  2. Musical senses.

frets (noun)

  1. A channel, a strait; a fretum.

frets (noun)

  1. A channel or passage created by the sea.

frets (noun)

  1. A fog or mist at sea, or coming inland from the sea.